Mastodon Fantômes Zine - issue 1 - Ritual dust

Fantômes Zine - issue 1

Fantômes was my first zine project, one that started very small when I realized that I could regroup in a zine my obsession with ghosts, the drawings I made of them and the photos of ghostly places I took. Then I asked around to see if other people would be interested in creating or writing pieces about ghosts, and got an incredible response. I then spent the next 6 months collecting, assembling, laying out and illustrating all that material to form what became the first issue of this little zine. This project regroups all of the drawings I made for the zine, from my personal standalone pieces to the more illustrative page frames and fillers to accompany the different stories and written pieces.

Cover illustration and lettering
Cover illustration and lettering

The cover illustration'
The cover illustration'

The frame for the introduction page of the zine
The frame for the introduction page of the zine

Small illustrations for the bookmark
Small illustrations for the bookmark

Page details and border illustrations
Page details and border illustrations

Page fillers for ‘The Solitary Tree’ story
Page fillers for 'The Solitary Tree' story

Illustrations in context of the pages
Illustrations in context of the pages

Candelabra illustration on the right hand side printed on velum paper
Candelabra illustration on the right hand side printed on velum paper

A page frame for ‘practised hands, doubtful eyes’
A page frame for 'practised hands, doubtful eyes'

The page frame illustration for ‘Ghosts’
The page frame illustration for 'Ghosts'

Small page filler
Small page filler

Page accents for the story by Michael Wolf
Page accents for the story by Michael Wolf

Page accents for the story by Michael Wolf
Page accents for the story by Michael Wolf

Page accents for the story by Michael Wolf
Page accents for the story by Michael Wolf

More page frames for the ‘minous’ story
More page frames for the 'minous' story

Introduction page illustration in process
Introduction page illustration in process

A hand-drawn sigil on an edited photograph
A hand-drawn sigil on an edited photograph

Frame for the mixtape page
Frame for the mixtape page

A dark souls inspired illustration spanning a small spread
A dark souls inspired illustration spanning a small spread

Small accent for the ‘ghost hospitality’ story
Small accent for the 'ghost hospitality' story

Last modified on 2024-10-03, published on 2022-01-14