Mastodon Pious Rot Northern Lands - Ritual dust

Pious Rot Northern Lands

In collaboration with my friend Sedge, I’m illustrating a TTRPG fantasy setting called Pious Rot . It takes inspiration from bronze and iron age europe with plenty of fantastical elements, creatures and myths. I’m illustrating the different areas as we create them and the North is the first one we got to a complete enough level to share.

Most of the illustrations are drawn in graphite and some in ink, and colorized digitally.

large decrepit wood and iron gate with symbols carved on it
large decrepit wood and iron gate with symbols carved on it

flail with wooden handle and head made out of a large knot of rope with spikes
flail with wooden handle and head made out of a large knot of rope with spikes
small bag made out of strips of seaweed of alternating tints of green
small bag made out of strips of seaweed of alternating tints of green
adze with a blade made out of a green transluscent mineral
adze with a blade made out of a green transluscent mineral
small scythe with a red serrated blade
small scythe with a red serrated blade

ember burning in a glass jar held by a metal ring and ropes
ember burning in a glass jar held by a metal ring and ropes
small wooden chest with seashells, ropes, trinkets and a top handle
small wooden chest with seashells, ropes, trinkets and a top handle
shield made out of the shell of a large crab with some crystal growing on it
shield made out of the shell of a large crab with some crystal growing on it
two small white and brown birds in a nest covered with moss
two small white and brown birds in a nest covered with moss

small scene with a cauldron over a fire, mortar and pestle, some clay jars and an alambic on a wooden stool with a leather bag leaning against it
small scene with a cauldron over a fire, mortar and pestle, some clay jars and an alambic on a wooden stool with a leather bag leaning against it

CreatedDec 21, 2024
Last tendedJan 23, 2025