Mastodon Förgjorninger - Ritual dust


Design for the cassette release of Förgjorninger by Girl Circles

The J-card is a small poster folded which on one side shows a photo we took of the result of the recreation of an old heathen curse, and on the other side has the written instructions of the said curse, printed, cut up and scanned again like an old zine. The rest of the J-card is filled with film photographs taken by the artist to accompany the music.

Front of cassette
Front of the cassette
Back of cassette
Back of the cassette
Spine of cassette
Spine of the cassette
Cassette with pad print
Cassette with pad print
Outside of J-card
Outside of J-card
Outside of J-card unfolded
Outside of J-card unfolded
Inside of the J-card
Inside of the J-card
Detail of the inside of the J-card
Detail of the inside of the J-card
J-card poster details
J-card poster details
J-card poster details
J-card poster details
J-card poster details
J-card poster details
J-card poster details
J-card poster details
J-card poster details
J-card poster details

Last modified on 2024-08-13, published on 2024-08-08