Together with my friend Sedge, I’ve been working on a fantasy setting called Pious Rot inspired by bronze and early iron age and the life of common folks pitted against the will of morally bankrupt gods.
The idea is to build a large part of the world in regions and that each region would have it’s own booklet of lore, items, weapons, characters and creatures allowing DMs to run campaigns and shorter games in the world of Pious Rot, and making as immersive and rich as possible.
In addition to making illustrations and contributing to the world-building, I’m also doing the design and layout of the booklets and having a great time at it.

The booklets use a 2 or 3 columns layout, most pages have corner details and some pages have an additional frame filled with a runic poem. The document is typeset in Storybook, Hohenzollern, Romic Std and Minipax with everythng aligned to a baseline grid.