Mastodon Ontario woods - Ritual dust

Ontario woods

Photos from a some time in the backwoods of ontario.

Really sharp shadow of a fern on a mossy rock
Really sharp shadow of a fern on a mossy rock
Mossy stone cliff in patchy light
Mossy stone cliff in patchy light
Eroded stones in the woods with sunlight filtering through leaves
Eroded stones in the woods with sunlight filtering through leaves
Large stone in the woods with a tree growing on top
Large stone in the woods with a tree growing on top
Mycelium covering a dead branch
Mycelium covering a dead branch
Another angle of the mossy stone cliff
Another angle of the mossy stone cliff
Sun symbol scribed on a very mossy rock
Sun symbol scribed on a very mossy rock
Small green and purple berries
Small green and purple berries
Dead wood with a circular hole through it
Dead wood with a circular hole through it
Large chewed bone
Large chewed bone
Light green fern leaves
Light green fern leaves

Last modified on 2024-10-03, published on 2022-08-18