Mastodon Custom tattoo project form - Ritual dust

Custom tattoo project form

Fill this form if you have an idea for a custom tattoo that you’d like to have done by me. When you’ve completed it, hit the submit button and then send the email that it will generate for you. I will answer your request by email at the address you provide as soon as possible.

About you

About your project

What subject matter apply to your tattoo? (required)

Consent and acknoledgements

I AM 18 AND OVER (If you fail or do not provide a valid ID to check on day of, you'll lose your appointment/drawing/deposit)

I understand that under no circumstances will another artist's work be copied, and the artist reserves the right to deny work on pieces that they don't feel is appropriate(IE designs that can be considered appropriation by other cultures). EXCEPTIONS: historical painting/sculpture/artifact, direct permission from an artist allowing fair use of a design of their creation, cultural piece that's from your ethnicity/religion/nationality/etc (please bring in all the details that your artist would need to know in order to create the design accurately and respectfully).

Before the appointment can be finalized, I will require a non-refundable deposit to be put toward the final price of the project; any rescheduling or cancellation must be made no closer than 48hrs from the appointment time. Deposit will be forfeit if you fail to do so.

Please be aware that my studio is a LGBTQIA+, Anti-racist, Pro Sex-Work, Intersectional Feminist, Body Positive space, meant to be safe for artists and other clients alike; please be respectful & mindful of this with words & body language. If you fail to do so, a ban will be issued.

Cancelling or rescheduling a tattoo

If for any reason you need to reschedule a tattoo appointment you should let me know 2 days or more in advance, otherwise you will lose your deposit.

Changes to a drawing

I will send the drawing of your custom tattoo a couple days in advance of your appointment, if you request small changes I will do them right away and get the final drawing for the session, if you request big changes (the kind that necessitates re-drawing big parts or the whole design), I will ask for another deposit and reschedule the date of the tattoo so I can make the changes. It is best for you to really make sure you give me all the information and references that you can before I start drawing your design to avoid delays and extra fees.

CreatedJun 1, 2024
Last tendedJan 23, 2025