
In my restless dreams, I see that town

Waking the night

Frogs and carnivorous plants

Traverse the Nightmare Fog
Thick fog was rising from the ground like in a victorian gothic story

Cemetery Walk Samhain 2022
Visiting the dead on Sahmain eve

Cemetery Walk October 2022
The warm autumn light shining upon the forgotten

Ontario woods

Spirit photography
Ghostly portraits in the style of victorian spirit photographs

Personal artifacts
Curating and documenting a collection of personal artifacts

Failed utopia
Brutalist ruins of Montreal's olympic stadium and surrounding public spaces

Saguenay travel photography
Hiking and climing to see the fjords, riding kids bikes down construction lanes, eating risotto as breakfast, a first escape during the plague.

The Landscape is Listening
Getting lost in the fragmented forest that lives beneath the city.

Fun Hell
An hommage to the wonderful trash city that is Montréal

An ominous presence
A mysterious haunting figure

Hellebore zine cover
Dead leaves buried by snow, dark and empty branches reaching for the sky like the horns of a great beast.

New Orleans travel photography
Hot sauce, neon lights and plant-covered high balconies.

Dublin travel photography
Foggy alleys, crumbling buildings and the smell of beer.

Black and white photo of the dodecae audio/visual event in Toronto in 2014.

A heavy black veil
Darkness hides but also reveals

Cemetery walk oct 2020
Wandering between worlds

Suburban unease
A series of cinematic shots of the Montreal suburbs trying to capture the feeling of unease, distrust and inhospitality of higher middle class white neighbourhoods.

A heavy white blanket swallowing the city

Miniature landscapes
Exploring the miniature landscapes found in nature, microcosms contained into and evoking the larger landscapes that they are part of