Mastodon Vambit conversion - Ritual dust

Vambit conversion

The original vambits were a small run of laser cut acrylic toys designed by the folks at Hundred Rabbits , I had it laying around on my desk for years and it always had a missing art and antler. Since it was already a bit damaged it gave me the idea of making it really rough looking while practicing my miniature painting skills at the same time.

Final product

Front of the vambit after some texturing and a coat of primer

Back of the vambit after some texturing and a coat of primer

Painted corner detail

Start of the rust effects

the final vambit with its new look
the final vambit with its new look
The final vambit with its new look
The final vambit with its new look

Last modified on 2024-08-13, published on 2021-06-18